
Indian national congress information
Indian national congress information

You cannot miss UPSC Syllabus Civil Disobedience Movement This led to call-off of this Indian National Movement by Mahatama Gandhi. On February 5, 1922, Chauri Chaura incident took place wherein the police station along with 22 policemen inside it was burnt. After which a complete boycott of government goods, schools, colleges, food, clothing etc happened and emphasis was laid on studying at national schools and khadi products were used. Also, the Indian National Congress adopted the movement in December 1920 after their Nagpur session. The Non-Cooperation Movement was officially launched by the Khilafat Committee in August 1920. Deteriorating economic conditions in the country along with the major incidents like Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Rowlatt Act, etc were the main reasons behind how it emerged to be a pivotal Indian national movement.Ill-treatment of the Khalifa, the spiritual leader of the Muslims by the Britishers agitated the entire Muslim community in India and around the world.The major reasons due to which this movement happened are as follows: The Non-Cooperation Movement was one of the most famous and crucial phases in the Indian freedom struggle against the Britishers. Indian National Congress Founded- 28 December 1885Ĭredit: IBT Institute Khilafat Non-Cooperation Movement.Here is a list of Indian National Movements for UPSC exam and other popular Indian government exams: List of Indian National Movement 1885 to 1947 Important Organizations for Indian National Movements.List of Indian National Movement 1885 to 1947.

Indian national congress information